Mastermind (12-Month)

Mastermind (12-Month)

Regular price$199.00


Not having a tribe of people who “get” and support you unconditionally —

Our Mastermind is where you ensure the intentions you set are fully brought into your life. Changing habits takes practice. Nothing supports you better than a posse who wants the best for you and who “gets” you.

In our Mastermind, you get personal attention besides reinforcing new life-changing habits. Our Mastermind is the single biggest thing that’s helped participants’ businesses flourish. What’s special is the expertise you have access to along with the deep caring.

Fertile Ground for Real Growth
  • The Mastermind is where you’ll realize how critical support is for real change
  • We dive in deep with the key concepts from the 6 EmbodyFocus life systems
Gratitude & Goals
  • Your weekly Focus Sheets create an ongoing log of accomplishments and goals
  • Gratitude creates the right mindset for positive change
  • Goals shared are 1000 times more likely to transpire


    TOPICS WE COVER: 6 Life Success Systems

    With support to understand how to best use each system.

    Guest Experts

    The Mastermind includes fascinating guest experts in topics from wealth-building to nutrition, relationships and more. Pictured here are some of the experts who have graced us with their skills and insights.

    Tap or roll over images for info.


    Lock in new habits

    You'll receive a beautiful Moleskine notebook tor use with the daily time system. Follow in the footsteps of Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Julia Cameron who used these. The small size makes it easy to pop in your bag. Also included are fun magnet and sticker reminders.

    Value: $98

    get loved up

    There's a whole lotta love waiting for you in our private Facebook group. Sharing, support and accountability make a big difference. Tap into ongoing momentum with others going through the same experience as you. Make lifelong friends and grow.

    Value: $199/mo x 6 = $1,194

    take it to heart

    Worksheets explain how to put things into action with examples and exercises. Dig in to ensure you make real change. You'll get many additional Bonus exercises to help you go deeper and personalize everything we cover.

    Value: Worksheets: $2,400
    More Bonuses: $1,800

    People are Saying

    Time to Embody Art

    Your life is the art you create. Let's make it beautiful, fulfilling, loving and abundant. If you can dream it, it can happen for you. Our connection is a beautiful piece of the puzzle.